Friday, November 29, 2024

Development of Indicators and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy-Guided Academic Affairs Management Strategy for Higher Education Institutions

Development of Indicators and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy-Guided Academic Affairs Management Strategy for Higher Education Institutions

การพัฒนาตัวบ่งชี้และยุทธศาสตร์การบริหารงานวิชาการ ตามหลักปรัชญาของเศรษฐกิจพอเพียงของสถาบันอุดมศึกษา

อรุณี  หงษ์ศิริวัฒน์ 1
Arunee Hongsiriwat1
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ประจําสาขาวิชาอุดมศึกษา ภาควิชานโยบาย การจัดการและความเป็นผู้นำทางการศึกษา คณะครุศาสตร์  จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
Assistant Professor, Department of Higher Education, Educational Policy, Management, and Leadership,  Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

วารสารศึกษาศาสตร์มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ปีที่ 43 ฉบับที่ 1 (มกราคม-มีนาคม 2563)
Journal of Education Khon Kaen University Vol.43 No.1 (January – March 2020)


วิเคราะห์และนำเสนอบทความ โดย  Wannarasmi  Chanthakut


This research aimed to study the current situations, develop indicators, develop management  strategies,  and  examine  appropriateness of  indicators  and  management strategies. Administrators and faculty member samples are 224 people. The findings were as follows: (1) A current situation was found that Sufficiency economy philosophy and contemporary concepts, the mean was 4.26, (2) The development of indicators were found  that  a  great  number  of  Indicator  “ Sufficiency  Economy  Philosophy-Guided Curriculum”, (3) The development of management strategies were composed of vision which  are  Excellent  curriculum  construction,  teaching  and learning  management, educational  supervision,  assessment  and  evaluation, research  and  development, academic  community  service  for  higher  education  institutions.  Mission  which  are Sufficiency economy philosophy-guided academic affairs management for curriculum and instruction, research and development and academic community service, professional development,  assessment  and  evaluation,  sufficiency  economy  philosophy  and contemporary  concepts  and  risk  management. Purposes  are  composed  of  1) Excellent curriculum and international curriculum construction 2) Excellent teaching and learning management based on expected learning outcomes 3) Excellent educational supervision that solves root causes of the country 4) Excellent assessment and evaluation that solves root causes of the country 5) Excellent research and development that solves root cases of the country 6) Excellent academic affairs management that solves root causes of the country. Strategies are composed of 6 strategies: 1) Sufficiency Economy Philosophy-Guided Curriculum and Teaching and Learning Management 2) Sufficiency Economy Philosophy-Guided  Research  and  Development  and  Academic  Community  Service  3) Professional  Development  and  Sufficiency  Economy  Philosophy  4)  Sufficiency  Economy Philosophy-Guided  Assessment  and  Evaluation  5)  Sufficiency  Economy  Philosophy  and Contemporary  Concepts  6)  Sufficiency  Economy  Philosophy  and  Risk  Management  (4) Examining appropriateness of indicators and management strategies was appropriateness. Indicators are composed of 6 indicators.

Research Objectives:

This research aims to study and develop academic management strategies for higher education institutions, focusing on integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) to ensure sustainability and address contemporary challenges. The primary objectives are:

1. To examine the current state of academic management in higher education institutions.

2. To develop indicators and strategies for academic management based on the principles of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.

3. To evaluate the appropriateness of the developed indicators and strategies.

Theories and Related Literature:

The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy emphasizes moderation, reasonableness, and resilience, supported by knowledge and moral conditions. It can be integrated with modern concepts such as holistic academic management, sustainable quality improvement in education, and analytical tools like SWOT and TOWS for developing strategic frameworks in academic affairs.

Conceptual Framework:

The research framework integrates the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy with six key components of academic management:

        Curriculum development

        Research and development

        Faculty development

        Assessment and evaluation

        Contemporary concepts

        Risk management

 📐📈Research Methodology

  •  Population and Sample:

The study involved 224 participants, including administrators and faculty members from various types of higher education institutions, selected through two-stage random sampling.

  • Research Instruments:

1. Questionnaires and interviews to assess the current status and perspectives on academic management strategies.

2. Factor analysis to develop indicators.

3. Instrument Validation:

    Instrument quality was ensured with IOC ≥ 0.5 and reliability coefficients (Cronbach's Alpha) ranging from 0.818 to 0.950.

      Table 1: Cronbach's Alpha of the questionnaires

  • Data Collection:

Data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews, and expert reviews.

  • Data Analysis:

Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and content analysis were employed to interpret the results and draft the strategic framework.

🔆🔑Research Findings:

Six critical indicators were developed and categorized to evaluate academic management efficiency, including designing curricula aligned with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and faculty development emphasizing morality and technological application.

The proposed academic management strategies were validated by experts and deemed suitable and feasible for implementation.

This research highlights the integration of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into academic management, offering a robust framework for fostering sustainability and addressing the dynamic needs of higher education institutions.

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