Monday, November 11, 2024

The Causal Relationship Model of Internal Quality Assurance Operational Effectiveness of the Small-Sized Primary Schools in the Northeast

 The Causal Relationship Model of Internal Quality Assurance Operational Effectiveness of the Small-Sized Primary Schools in the Northeast

ขวัญใจ  วงศ์สุวรรณ, ศิกานต์  เพียรธัญญกรณ์  และ  สวัสดิ์  โพธิวัฒน์
Khuanjai  Wongsuwan,Sikan  Pienthunyakorn, Sawat  Phothiwat
คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสกลนคร
Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University, Thailand
วารสารสังคมศาสตร์ และวัฒนธรรม ปีที่ 7 ฉบับที่ 2 (กุมภาพันธ์ 2566)
Journal of Social Sciences and Cultural Vol.7 No.2 (February 2023)


วิเคราะห์และนำเสนอบทความ โดย  Wannarasmi  Chanthakut


The purpose of this research were to 1) study effectiveness of internal quality assurance operations in the small sized primary and causal factors chosen to study 2) examine the consistency of the causal relationship model of internal quality assurance operational effectiveness of the small sized primary schools developed to empirical data 3) to establish the guidelines for developing factors affecting the internal quality assurance operational effectiveness of the small sized primary schools. There were three phase of this research. Phase 1 was constructing the causal relationship model to study the causal factors and effectiveness of internal quality assurance operational. Phase 2 involved the validation of a causal relationship model with empirical data. Research population were the small sized primary schools in the Northeast 7,231 schools in the 2021 academic year. The subjects were drawn from 360 small primary schools under the OBEC in the 2021 academic year. The 720 respondents, including 360 school administrators and 360 teachers. Phase 3 finding guidelines for developing factors. Data analyzed by LISREL program. The findings were as follows: 1) effectiveness of internal quality assurance operational effectiveness of the small sized primary schools was high mean scores ranking. Causal factors chosen studied was high mean scores ranking. 2) The causal relationship model of effectiveness of small primary schools was consistent with the empirical data. And 3) The guidelines for developing factors the direct influence on the effectiveness of internal quality assurance operational of the small sized primary schools. School directors’ leadership factors should develop by training or develop using various innovations. The work environment factors should be developed, improved, to be safe and adequate enough. Personnel attribute factors should raise awareness for personnel to appreciate and importance of internal quality assurance operations, and organizational culture factors should encourage a culture of participation in work.

📑Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework includes four primary factors: (1) school administrators’ leadership, (2) work environment, (3) personnel attributes, and (4) organizational culture. 

These factors are expected to have both direct and indirect impacts on the effectiveness of internal quality assurance operations in the small-sized primary schools under study.

📐Research Methodology
This research was conducted in small-sized primary schools in Northeastern Thailand. The research methodology includes the following details:

  1. Population and Sample
    The population of this study consists of 7,231 small-sized primary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) in Northeastern Thailand for the academic year 2021. The sample includes 360 small-sized primary schools, with a total of 720 respondents, comprising one school administrator and one teacher responsible for quality assurance at each school. Multi-stage random sampling was employed to select the schools.

  2. Research Instruments
    Data collection was conducted using three research instruments:

    • Expert Interviews: Designed around elements related to causal factors and operational effectiveness, the interview questions were validated by the research supervisor and other experts for content relevance.

    • 5-Point Likert Scale Questionnaire: Used to measure the causal factors and operational effectiveness, this questionnaire was checked for content validity with five experts using an Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC). A pilot test with 50 schools was conducted to determine reliability, yielding a high Cronbach’s alpha of 0.99.

    • Focus Group Discussions: Experts related to quality assurance development in primary schools were divided into two groups of eight participants each to discuss development approaches for enhancing operational effectiveness.

  3. Instrument Validation
    The questionnaire's quality was validated using content validity to ensure alignment with the studied variables, and reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s Alpha, which showed a high reliability score of 0.99, indicating strong credibility.

  4. Data Analysis
    Various statistical methods were used for data analysis:

    • Descriptive Statistics: Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the level of factors impacting operational effectiveness.

    • Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): These analyses were conducted using the LISREL program to assess the consistency of the hypothesized model with empirical data. Model fit was evaluated using indices such as Chi-square, GFI, AGFI, RMSEA, and CFI.

🔍🔗Research Findings
The findings indicate:

  • All factors studied showed high mean scores, with personnel attributes and work environment having the strongest direct effects.
  • The causal relationship model was consistent with empirical data, with Chi-square values meeting the standard criteria.
  • Development strategies include enhancing administrators’ leadership effectiveness, improving the work environment, fostering positive personnel attributes, and promoting a supportive organizational culture.

🔆🔑New Knowledge
This research reveals that key factors impacting the effectiveness of quality assurance operations in small-sized primary schools are effective leadership, an adequate work environment, positive personnel attributes, and a supportive organizational culture. These findings provide a framework for small-sized primary schools to develop operational effectiveness based on their specific contexts.

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